Saturday, June 13, 2009


They say when the integrity of a building has been compromised that the building collapses. It has also been stated that when security has failed that the integrity has been compromised. If the structure of the mightiest building is compromised it can all fall down. Even though the flaw may be miniscule, if it is properly placed it can bring the whole thing down. Whether high-tech security or a series of locked chain-linked fences, the tiniest breach can allow the whole system to fail. Integrity in a man works the same. We’ve all heard the adage “we are only as good as our weakest link.” Let’s say that inside a man is a series of links that makes him the man that he is. Let’s call these links character. On the surface we see a good man, but below the surface one of those links is flawed. The enemy (satan) preys on that weakest link (like a time-bomb planted in the structure of a large building).
He bides his time because this is a good man. And at just the right time the enemy pulls the trigger. Will it be a dud? Will integrity be compromised? Will the man fall, or will someone get there in time to diffuse the device (scheme of the devil)? Integrity has been defined as what a man is when no one else is looking. There is no room for compromise in a good man. Way too many people are hurt when a good man falls. Stay true. Expose the flaw and save lives. What link in your life needs to be exposed to keep the whole house from falling? Get help.