Monday, May 31, 2010

Exodus 23:20

Moses had a unique relationship with God in the Old Testament. It was said that when Moses met with God in the "Tent of Meeting" that the conversation was like two friends talking. Awesome! Everyone in the OT didn't have that kind of relationship with God; however that is part of the benefit of the New Covenant for those who are in Christ Jesus. ---Anyway, I want to back track to Moses. In Exodus 23:20 God tells Moses that He is going to send an angel before Israel to pave the way to the Promised Land. This angel would defeat the enemy. However, he warned Mo to tell the people if they rebel this angel would not forgive their rebellion. This angel was so loyal to God and the protection of God's holy Name, that if the people rebelled he wouldn't be able to tell the difference of who the enemy was. In other words, they better fly right or get ready to pay the price themselves. I think this is an incredible picture that they we never hear talked about. ----The angel saw things as black and white; good and evil. The angel knew if you weren't for God, then you were against God. He didn't put up with any trash. ---It also demonstrates God's mercy and God's grace; because He has been patient with their trash and our trash. People can talk about an angry or violent God, but I would beg to differ... the planet is still here. Yet, there is a huge make-over coming, but it will come in God's sweet time; and He has sent mankind ample warning.