Thursday, May 13, 2010

Name Dropping

Paul name drops as he ends the 1st letter to Corinth. He begins by reminding them of collecting for the saints on the first day of the week, and to “set aside a sum of money in keeping with his income, saving it up, so that when I come no collections will have to be made.” ---v. 10 Take care of Timothy when he comes, because he is just as I am. Then send him back to me in peace. V.12 I urged Apollos to come to you, but he said he can’t yet; but he will when he gets the opportunity. V.15 Paul gives props to the household of Stephanas as being the first converts in Achaia and how they were devoted to the service of the saints. Paul urges the believers to submit to such as these. Follow their leadership. V.17 Then he adds kudos to some other folks beginning with Stephanas and adding Fotunatus and Achaicus because "they have supplied what was lacking from you." ---These took it on themselves to make sure Paul had everything he needed. “They refreshed my spirit and yours also. Such men deserve recognition.” Greetings are sent from Aquila and Priscilla and the church that met at their house.---As Paul ends this letter with personal greetings one cannot help but admire the love and devotion evidenced from his words. These words about the ones that were “in”…the ones that were “getting it.” He doesn’t mention here those that were causing division and strife. The body of the letter addresses the strife and division that was attempting to disrupt the integrity of the church, but ends with a sense of calmness as the reader can ascertain that there were some people that were “all in.” There were some people that were effective in the work. Amen.---Would you be bragged on? Would your name be dropped?