Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Pain in the Offering

I just reread the story of Cain and Abel in Genesis 4. Maybe I either had not thought about it before or I forgot about it; but I relized the first murder was over an offering to God. Hmmmm. That's interesting. He didn't kill the man, his brother, because he wanted the money; but instead it was about his offering (the murderer's). You see Cain had given God "some" of his harvest compared to Abel's "fat" portions that he gave to the Lord. And God was displeased with the "some" that Cain gave and He wasa pleased with the "fat" Abel offered. Hmmm. God knows and notices the difference. People still get angry when you talk about money. Those that give "fat" portions could care less, but those that skimp on God...well they don't like to talk about it.