Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Mr. Deeds

James said that he would show his faith by his works. Met with a guy recently that wasn't bragging...we were just talking and he& his wife recently saw a couple in awkward financial position (restaurant didn't take their cc of choice) so they mysteriously paid for the meal of this young couple (whom they didn't know and didn't get credit for it). Then he confessed how he was getting back at his quiet time, even showed me his notes from that morning. He bought his pastor lunch (which wasn't required). Called a man (who was having a rough time) to encourage him. And really there were several other things, and many in just one day. ---I couldn't help to think...what if all of us (followers of Jesus) just operated naturally like that throughout the day---helping others?---Do you think people might come to church when we ask them? Mr. Deeds sounds like the opposite of the hypocrisy so many like to throw at the church.