Monday, November 29, 2010

Great Message Amanda

It was great having Amanda Phillips come and share from her 2yr. jouneymen stint in Africa. Wow! It was incredible to hear how God saved her, called her to this mission and worked everything out. We were reminded to stay flexible to God's plan. We were reminded that God can do all this stuff without us. He had been working in dreams and speaking to people well before she got there. We were reminded of God's great power as He used these young ladies to get His Word on cassette to a people that didn't even have a written language. We were reminded that it takes more than living the Christian life; we have to open our mouth and tell the Good News! ---To those that ask the question "What about the people that have never heard?" we had confirmation from Amanda's story that even in a remote area God has ways and means to get the Good News out, whether it be through dreams or other messengers.---Oh yeah, this wasn't mentioned...In the midst of her obedience to the calling, Amanda met the guy of her dreams...she was recently engaged to her man. All this and more as she was faithful. Congrats Amanda and Andrew!