Friday, November 12, 2010

Reflections at a Wedding

Sitting in a large sanctuary. Carpet outdated. Wondering how many people left the church when they picked that color. Haha, but then again some may have. I sat and took note of the size of the sanctuary and the dollars invested in audio/video technology; I couldn't help to think that a bunch of people had gotten together enough to spend some serious money. Cool. Ten years into church, I've seen the tough decisions that have to be made. Even though we might not do things like this church, I respect what they've done. I respect what the small church I passed on the way is trying to reach out to their community with a fish fry. It's hard to do church. Churches come in many sizes and shapes, but ultimately they will have some of the flavor of the pastor and staff that lead. Go church! Do what you do the way God made you.---Again, I said I was at a wedding. I looked and listened as the young couple blissfully stated their vows with all the teary eyed witnesses glued in. As a pastor that has performed, officiated, whatever you want to call it weddings; I couldn't help to think how true these promises will ring ten, twenty years later after doing life together. We can only pray it will be so. Yet, I sat very aware of what work couples have to put into marriage. Respect to those that have been married ten, twenty, thirty, plus years---Go couples! I'm happy for the couple getting married. It was great to be a part of two weddings (unofficiating) back to back weeks...good kids...doing it the right way. ---Did I say may kids were part of these weddings? I'm proud of them too. I guess I'm getting sentimental since I'm only a few years away from getting cheap coffee at Hardees. I'm thankful for my wife, who has not only endured me, but the life of being a pastor's wife. Go Teresa! ---Well, better get to seeing why that dryer isn't working...Take time to reflect....and cut people some slack...know they are just trying to make it.