Monday, February 28, 2011


Start slow, stay steady and finish strong. Recently, I began to adopt this as my daily discipline, because I realized at various times in the day I could falter or my spiritual fulness (if that's the proper phrasing)would deteriorate. With my morning quiet time, the day was started off right and I was in good shape. On the days I got in God's Word at lunch time I would stay steady. If not, the chances of failure loomed ahead. By afternoon, all of the experiences of life with people on the planet, and my own sinful nature (man in the mirror) must be contended with unless I have predetermined to finish strong.
Not only is this a good plan for a daily routine, but it is a great plan for those that have decided to actually follow after Christ daily (the thing that every Christian is called to do). More believers need to understand the Christian walk or lifestyle is more of a marathon than a sprint. Many quit the race early, because they start off in a sprint. It would behoove each of us to start slowly. Learn from other believers that seem to have it together. Crawl first. Then, stay steady. Walk. Do those things you learned like: regular time in God's Word and prayer daily, getting together with other believers in small groups for accountability and fellowship, be regular in worshiping with the large group at church, serve God by serving others, etc. While doing all these things, keep in mind the imminent return of Christ. He is coming back! Finish strong with that in mind. Crawl, walk, run, and be ready for the flight home!