Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Trending Topics

As the discussion trended to Calvinism, Mormonism and politics, I found myself totally disinterested. My honest thoughts were "I'm not from around here." Those issues are divisive, deceptive and detrimental to discussion in a group of people trying to do life together. (Discussed properly in context is needed sometimes.) I found myself only wanting to focus on Christ (not in a self-righteous way, but in a way that maybe I was finally getting it.) Paul knew teachers and people would come bringing whatever discussion that could distract or divide the church from serving its purpose. This is why he wrote to the Colossians. They were off to a great start, but needed to radically understand the foundation of the faith is and has always been Jesus Christ who is fully God. He wanted to be sure they were rooted (drawing life from) in Christ. He wanted to be sure that Christ was the foundation and nothing else; because Christ stands. He has defeated death. In Christ we stand, therefore we should live overflowing with thankfulness. And thankfulness has no part of division, deception and other detrimental discussions to the faith. If you want to talk about the faith, then talk about Christ. He is everything, and if you're not in HIm; well then you are separated from God and that is a problem. See Col.2:6-9
Life is not relevant without Christ. Nothing should trend more than Jesus. A whole group of people are living in a mirage. They have forgotten what they have in Christ. We have freedom in Christ. We're not from around here. Keep Christ in the center of our discussions, all else is meaningless. ---I know we shoot the breeze and talk about stuff just getting to know one another. I'm just saying Jesus should trend more than anything or anyone else. ---How many useless conversations will we have this week that are even divisive?