Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Held Hostage by a Lie

Drugs, Alcohol, Pornography, Excess in TV and food...the "A" list of things Americans are addicted to. Each one of them has something in common...they are all empowered by lies. Drugs will solve your problems. A lie. Alcohol will solve your problems. A lie. Pornography will satisfy you. A lie. TV is real and fulfilling. A lie. More food will do a body good. A lie. ---So why do Christians get addicted to these things? After all, Satan has no power over us, because of what Jesus did on the cross. Almost true. The true part is what Jesus did on the cross was complete. His part is all good. However, when we believe one of Satan's lies we empower him. When we enter the dark-side of the buffet where drugs, alcohol, pornography, and the excesses exist then we have enabled him to influence us because we are in his domain.
Know who you are in Christ. You are buried in death with Christ. You have been resurrected into the newness of life in Christ. You are even seated in the heavenlies with Christ.
If you are addicted to something, cry out to God...expose it...stay connected to Christ and don't enter the dark-side. Fight the battle in the spirit realm. You can't beat it in the flesh. Will-power will not work.
Start by saying and believing that I am a redeemed child of God; I am not a drug addict or whatever you addiction issue is.
Start today. Pray. Shed some light. Get help. Don't identify yourself as an addict anymore. The more you say it, the more you will believe it. And that is the lie Satan uses to hold you hostage. Let the truth set you free.