Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Conspiracy Theories

To all my friends out there that believe in some kind of conspiracy theory, “They are out to get us.” The “they” varies. Yes! Yes! Yes! They are out to get us. —- Years ago I had a guy that said he had a gun approach me after my school bus dropped me off blocks from my house. I was twelve or thirteen. He was out to get me. I walked with him a little ways hoping someone would come out of their house and I could yell and run. But noooo. It may have well been a ghost town. I decided I wasn’t going to be on the nightly news, and bolted! I ran for it. I did the whole serpentine thing, and turned around to see that he didn’t chase or shoot at me. On another occasion a person left a message on the church phone that threatened my life. I knew the person was not all that stable, but nevertheless, he was allegedly out to get me. I’m still here. And then there was the person that lied about me to some agency (I have no idea why this person hated me.), and to some of my neighbors. They were out to get me. Fortunately, my neighbors knew me well enough.—- Yes, people, governments, etc. are out to get us. —- But those are not even close to being the greatest conspiracy of all. You see, I came into this world condemned. If I were to get what I have earned or deserve it would be the death penalty. However, my troubles and my earnings have been overcome by a conspiracy of grace. Grace is when you get what you do not deserve. Two thousand years ago, the epic hero came from heaven to earth and died for my sorry self. My hero did not get what he deserved. He traded in his righteousness for my sin and this was all done unawares to me. It was conspired by God long ago. It is a conspiracy of grace, and Jesus is my hero. —- So please, keep your Youtube videos and whatnot of other conspiracies, because those can’t get to me, I’ve already been had! —- Much love and peace to you.