Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Just One Visit

Visiting a young man in the hospital that had been in accident gave me a micro-insight into a hurting society. In less than thirty minutes I met an estranged dad that visibly had anxieties, health issues or maybe even drug problems. Something just wasn’t right. I met a mom/grandmother who cared much, but was so churchy that it made me not want to go to church. Once the family left, I got to talk and listen to the young man and a couple of his young visitors. Quickly I found out that one of the teen girls had fairly recently had a baby. I could only imagine her current struggles. When I asked how I could pray for her, she mentioned her brother who was in a drug rehab place. Another girl there was hating life as her parents had recently moved their home before her senior year. She wasn’t happy. So, I asked the boy who had sustained several bodily injuries due to the accident how I could pray for him, instead he wanted prayer for his brother. He revealed that his brother had been suffering from severe depression, most likely stemming from their mother passing away just a couple of years ago. —- This all just in thirty minutes! —-What in the world are the people around you and I going through? Are we sensitive to the people limping along around us? Oh, they probably aren’t limping. They probably look fine. Take time to shut up and listen, and see what is going on around you. Let’s be there for people. —-And they do want prayer.