Thursday, August 28, 2014

We Act Heroic

Have you ever watched the Nightly News or Video Report praising the heroics of one of our fellow human beings? They may have ran into a burning building to rescue someone. Perhaps, they helped unbuckle and remove a person that was in a wrecked car, while the car is slowly engulfed in flames. —- The one that gets me is these people that jump into the ocean to rescue someone that has been attacked by a shark and there is blood all around them. —- When interviewed, the heroes almost always have the same response. While still in shock, they humbly say that they did what anyone else would have done. They just happened to be there. What do these people or these situations have in common, besides being in the “right” place at the “right” time? They say they were doing what was natural. For those of us listening to the story, we would probably disagree. For it is not natural to run into a burning building or jump into bloody-shark-infested water! Yet, their answer, while ever-so humble, is most likely the truth. You see, we act heroic because we know the deadly consequences. These instantaneous, traumatic events catch us off-guard, and we act natural when we see danger. We respond appropriately when we see the consequences of truth in our face. We do the right thing. We run into the building when we hear the cry for help. We look around at the flame-engulfed car and see no one else around but us to help. We hear the cry for help in the water, and we dismiss the coloring of the water. We are naturally heroic when we accept that what before us is a do-something or die situation. —- As followers of Jesus, we need to reacquaint ourselves with the wrath of God, the whole truth of the Gospel, lest we become un-heroic. We are condemned unless we are born-again. That is what Jesus said! That is some serious bad news involving eternal consequences. Our “jumping into the water” is merely sharing the Good News of God’s grace with others. However, many of us have lost our passion for what Jesus is passionate about. It was serious enough that He went to the cross. He is the Epic Hero. We must not be so distracted in these last days that we do not think it is important to save lives. Go and tell the Good News to your friends and neighbors. No, they all won’t listen, but some will. Do whatever it takes! Do the right thing. Be the hero.