Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Short time

I was reading a book that shared a story about a fourteen year old girl who was so in love with Jesus that she started a Bible study on her school campus. She spent her babysitting money on Bibles to give to lost friends. She wanted to be a difference-maker at a young age. These stories aren't usually told unless something bad happens. You guessed it, she was killed in a car wreck as a teenager. Nearly 1500 people came to her funeral, and many received Christ and were given Bibles due to the testimony of her life. Hers was not a wasted life. Stories of people who died after living godly lives are stories with happy endings.
Sadly, many people die while living selfishly. I attended a funeral several years ago (so glad I was not asked to officiate) of a person that was ...well, just a really bad person. The person officiating spoke very generic trying to say good things about this person, then asked if anyone would stand and say some things over the deceased. I listened as a couple of people tried to say some nice things about a person that had done nothing in this life unless it benefited them(plus some really bad things).
The stories are similar. Both people died to themselves. The teenage girl died to self while a teenager and lived for God, and many would stand and testify of how great her life was---and be telling the truth.
The second person died to self at the funeral. No one could say anything truly good about this person for that person had lived life unto themselves.
Don't waste your life. There is still time to turn it around. What can you do for others today,tomorrow, the next day---that would make the name of Jesus famous?