Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Just Hate It

A problem with Western Christianity in the 21st Century has to do with the distance we keep from sin. First of all, we don't have a healthy hatred for sin. I am not talking the type of hatred formed from legalism. A lot of people with church background don't do "anything" (much) wrong; but they don't do anything (much)right either. More and more Christians are wanting to serve the Lord faithfully these days; but they dip their toes in the edges of sin every now and then. We've lost sight of what sin is. It is not alright to be sexually immoral or to have a hint of sexual immorality associated with us. We are to get a job, so that we can help others. We are not to engage in obscenities and foolish talk. Too many Christians walk the edge in these matters. Enough is enough! We've got the ipad, the iphone, the itunes and "the itouchsin". The Bible says to run the other way. When you see a video or hear a joke that does not glorify Christ...don't laugh anymore. Turn and run. We are not long for this world. We are not of this world. Live like it. Then, the world might see the difference they were waiting for, and have an actual reason to follow Christ. ---If you aren't near smelling or touching distance of sin, you won't do it. ---Just hate it! Meditate on Ephesians 4&5