Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Small Groups

Therapy. Most people don't want to go to a therapy session, but that is what small group can sometimes be. Our small groups are called CPR (Care, Prayer and Relationships). While this may sound like an advertisment for CPR (small groups), it isn't; it is just the facts. We lived it tonight. It was refreshing. Sometimes in the ebb and flow of life, it seems like we are given too much pain, stress and what-not than seems fair. We've been attacked as a church from multiple fronts. So this week we called on the groups to not do a Bible study, but to pray as a group. What ensued, was awesome. I can only anticipate what will happen in the other groups. The Word of God spoke through various passages to lead us, and we depended on the Holy Spirit to guide us Spirit to spirit. The end result...is yet to happen, because we will continue to wrestle in prayer. However, one person fairly new to the group weeped and praised God with joy for the church. Amen.