Friday, July 15, 2011

Go ahead make______day

So many of us get frustrated at things that we totally have no control over. People get down and out, even fall into depression because they can't control things in life. NewsFlash! Life is always going to be throwing stuff at you and I that we cannot control. At best we learn to navigate through them. Sometimes we spend a lifetime trying to figure them out. It can be an endless cycle if you get sucked into that Blackhole. ---How about trying something different? Do what you can to make the environment around you better. Pour good stuff into those around you, and sooner than later you will see good stuff coming out. It's easy to get frustrated, because there is always something or someone around the corner getting into "your" business. Instead of getting sucked in and falling into the old trap of blaming others for your problems, be proactive. Take charge. Do the best you can with what you've got. For your first baby step today, do one thing for one person today to make their day. Then start taking more steps. Soon you won't have time to be frustrated. Go ahead, make someone's day!