Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Made my heart melt

So I had no official duties tonight and no meetings. After a full day of studying and preparing for some stuff and watching computer tutorials practicing with a new program, I was mentally pooped. A night off would be great. Instead I decided to go be around some of our peeps. I went to the cpr group known as the "misfits" (their name of choice). I figured there would be ten to twelve people there. So, I drive up (fashionably late) and there are cars all over the place. Something was going on! I get inside and there is every aged person represented, and it was like a party atmosphere. They were eating and eating good! My heart melted. They were doing life together... kids and all! When the Bible study started, it didn't seem to faze anyone when a small child might walk by, or if someone talked maybe a little too long. They listened respectfully and moved on. ---It was good to be in the house of the Lord. These folks had church. There must have been 30 plus people up in that house! I'm glad I got out. * Perhaps this is a note for all of us, when we think we've had a rough day and deserve a break; it's always refreshing to be in the presence of those that know the Lord. Fellowship, food, friends, Bible, prayer...sweet. My heart melted. ---the key to all groups being like this: know you're a misfit, then everyone fits in. Peace out. Kudos to Pat Butler and his group. Thanks for letting me be your pastor.