Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Gold to Bronze

2 Chronicles 12 After King Rehoboam had established himself and all was going well in Judah, he and all Israel abandoned the law of the LORD. This is basic 101 in human life. When all is going well people tend to turn inward and away from God. They forget how well things were going while they were faithfully serving God. FYI: worshiping and serving God is practically the same thing. And if we think serving someone or something is harsh or abusive, then take time to realize we all worship or serve someone or something. Sometimes we worship ourselves! From this passage one should garner that it is a better life when we worship/serve God. We were meant to do so, and the world flows better when we do so. ---Back to our story: the people had abandoned the LORD, so God abandoned them. Fair enough. It happens. Expect it. But KIng Rehoboam and the leaders (after hearing from a prophet who heard from God: you see God was still trying to help the rebellious people.) humbled themselves before the LORD and the LORD stopped King Shishak of Egypt from totally destroying them. Instead they would pay taxes instead of blood (to put it bluntly). v.8 "They will be subject to him (Shishak) SO THEY MAY LEARN THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SERVING ME AND SERVING THE KINGS OF OTHER LANDS." --so was the message God passed on through the prophet. Another one of the crazy cycles amongst men: God blesses his faithful servants, then his servants take those blessings and worship or absorb them; and stop serving the ONE who got them there. They cry out. Humble themselves. God hears them. Receives them back. But they've paid a price. ---*Most people don't like the idea of serving somebody, but we all serve somebody; whether it is God, self, or some other god of this world. At Israel's peak of serving God, they were also at the peak of strength and wealth in the world. Unfortunately, when there's not a war to fight men become unfocused on the ONE who got them to peace. That is where everyday faithfulness comes in. How faithful in service/worship to God are you when everything is going great? ---When comparing serving God to abandoning God, this passages gives a vivid illustration. In vv.9-11: King Shishak didn't wipe Judah out, but stole all the treasures from the temple and palace. The beautiful gold shields that Solomon had made were taken, and Rehoboam replaced them with bronze shields. When we serve someone other than the true God we can expect delays, destruction and downgrades. Gold to bronze. When you are serving God faithfully you are serving the true Master and Creator of the entire Universe who loves you and wants what is best for you. He is constantly upgrading his faithful servants. Don't grow weary in well doing. Stay focused. Worship the LORD your God only. Give seconds and scraps of time, money and talent to the other things in this world.