Friday, April 20, 2012

Fall of A Rock Star

Fall of a Rock Star (Lucifer) Ezekiel 28:12-19; Isaiah 14:9-19 He appears to have been a “rock star” in heaven that let it all go to his head. He was a created being that forgot he was a created being. He had a submission problem. God let him on stage with all his bling-bling (his raiment was beautiful stones-he was the shining one). Evidently he was the one leading worship of God with his awesome set of “pipes”. He was front and center covering the throne of God. This stage that God allowed him on went to his head. Somewhere along the way, he began to like the attention that his beauty drew and he quit pointing or reflecting it all to God, the Creator. He was blessed by God, and he liked it. Eventually he became dissatisfied with all that God had given him, and he wanted to be like God (which is the very argument he gave to Adam and Eve).---God will bless us. That’s what God does. However, we need to always recognize that all glory, power, honor and praise go to God. Reflect it, don’t receive it. Word: next time you’re thinking a little too highly of yourself realize you are in danger of joining Bad Company! Instead, follow the example of Christ as described in Philippians 2. Peace.