Monday, January 17, 2011

The $100 Challenge

Okay, so what's the $100 Challenge all about? It's the result of 2-3am conversation (me listening) with God. The sleep-interruption came a week or so before my sermon on That Thing That's Holding You Back:Part1- Money God has this thing about the pre-wee hours of the morning. Even better He has great ideas that involve people helping people (love). It wasn't my brain-child. My only good deed was that I didn't ignore the voice of God (which is easy to do at 3am). Anyway, the details: each week I'm inviting (not asking, not begging, trusting that God speaks to someone else and doesn't leave me standing there looking stupid) whoever feels led to present a $100 bill to be passed on to a CPR Group leader that volunteers their group to take the said-$100bill and help someone in the community that week and bring back a report to be shared briefly (less than 45seconds, preferably video, low-tech). ---That's all I knew God told me to do. We are to do it for 50 weeks, which means if someone (oh, and it can't be the same person giving the 100 dollars any week) does give then we will have helped the community $5000 worth of love. ---Now, I can look back at God's ingenius (trickery, wisdom, whatever). By Christmas time or somewhere well before then we will have cultivated a collective giving heart, and hopefully have some incredible people (love) stories.Not only are people developing a generous heart, the small groups are having to look around (away from themselves) to see people in need. ---FYI: it's crazy already...I have had to turn several people down and asked them to wait there turn to give $100 away to someone they don't even know. :)