Monday, January 31, 2011


I believe if you got most people to sit quiet and know that God is God; and confess that they are not...truly get real with God---they would admit they know what God wants them to do. Indeed, (Ps.19)"the heavens declare the glory of God." That literally means the "heavens preach or explain God to us." Romans 1 says that "man is without excuse of knowing God" because of the creation alone. Ecclesiastes 3:11 says that " God has hidden eternity in the hearts of men." Listen, men can be stubborn, but in moments of great crisis (e.g. 9/11) the hardest of men will cry out to God. In darkness men want hope. God is that light. With all that said, if we will be honest before God in stillness; we will admit we know of at least one thing God wants us to do. ---That brings us to the next step. I'm 4/6 of the way through the sermon series ( with what is holding you back from being what God had in mind when He made you. So what is it? And what is the next step to get you headed His direction. Is it a baby step? Is it a giant step? Is it a leap of faith? I encourage you to not despise the little steps, but take those. They get you ready for the giant step and the leap of faith. However, no matter the size of step, it is God in whom we trust. Pray hard.