Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Deeper Things

"I want to go deeper." That's one of those comments doled out by church people on occasion that drives pastors crazy. Why not just say "I want to pray more."? Because the response should be the same "Go ahead." Go deeper, pray more because no one is stopping you , but you. But how does one go deeper? I can tell you what has worked for me through the years, and someone else can add to the list. 1. Prayer. Often, continually, persevering. In good times and bad. Balanced prayer: Adoration of God; Confession to God; Thanksgiving to God; Supplication for others. 2. Scripture Reading. You knew these were #1 and #2, but the problem is people don't do them. I'm not talking about reading the Bible through in a year (even though that is good). I'm talking about reading the Bible like a cow chewing cud, getting everything God tells you from a certain passage and not moving past that until HE lets you. 3. Christian Radio. Not the songs necessarily, but the teaching and preaching. While I don't do this much now, there was a time in my life when I needed a growth spurt. On the road (or now you can podcast at your convenience)or in those unfilled hours one can pour positive, godly teaching into the soul.4. Accountability partners. Iron sharpens iron. Two are better than one. For one year, perhaps the greatest growth year for me, I met with 3 or 4 guys every Monday night for an hour or two challenging each other in our respective faith-walk. It was shortly after that God called me to preach. Hmmm. 5. Sharing Jesus with others. There is no substitute to sharing your faith with others. I started telling people about Jesus at eight years old. I'm no Billy Graham, but I do know that jumping out (facing potential rejection) there causes growth. It's funny how many people say they want to go deeper, but rarely lead anyone to Christ. *Hear from God, Learn from God,Learn from others, grow with others and do. Doing is perhaps the epitome of going deeper; everything else is just talk.