Monday, September 26, 2011

Eph.4:12-16 Devo

Just a little something from my devotion today. The reading was Eph.4:1-16.
vv.12-16 kind of jumped out to me. Here's what I got.
God gives and gifts pastors and leaders to equip the build up the church, the body of Christ (not tear it down).
<> The Goal: unity in our faith and knowledge of God's Son (Jesus)
that we will be mature in the LORD
measuring up to the complete and full standard of Christ. (All eyes on Jesus, 'cause he's the head of the church!)
*Then we'll cease being immature and falling for lies (false doctrine, etc.)
*KNOWING CHRIST IS THE KEY* A personal, intimate relationship with Jesus that only comes from abiding in Christ daily is the key to such maturity. Therefore, we cannot stay away from Christ (prayer) or his Word (Bible) or even his people (the church) if we truly want to know Christ. You can't skip out on time with Jesus and know him!!!
As we grow, instead of falling for lies we will speak the truth in love.
We will, consequently, grow in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of the church (there it is again).
*How can one legitimize staying away from church? Hey, if you want to home school, go ahead. But home church is a rebellious spirit that was not in God's plan, nor is it in the teaching of God's Word.
v.16 He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does what it was designed for so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.
Love is the sign of a mature church. Sure, it may take some churches some time to be classified as loving or mature, but that doesn't mean we stop trying. It's plain and simple to see that it is God's plan. Finally, I'll say again, to be separate from the body (the church) is to be separate from the head (Christ).
Take up for the church. Help the church. Advance the church. Pray for the church.