Thursday, September 22, 2011

Not Every Church

Just had lunch with someone that told me the reason they got back in church was because someone asked them how they were tithing, and they were convicted on the spot. Wow! However, this made me begin to think about the many Christians that have left the church. There are bunches of reasons people get out on church. The church did these evil killing crusades years ago (not every church). Churches are all about building big buildings to see how many butts they can hold(not every church). Some pastor ran off with the secretary (not every church). They play old hymns at that church (not every church). They play that rock and roll music at that church (not every church). They are always talking about money down at the church (not every church). They aren't concerned with helping the community (not every church). You get the picture. Anyone could insert their excuse for leaving the church. I'm sure it has nothing to do with being lazy, wanting to keep all your money, living for yourself, or the fact that you just can't get along with people.
So what do people do? They rip the church to shreds verbally (piously) forgetting that the church (some of them)is first on the scene to help people. Churches have started hospitals, schools, soup kitchens, disaster relief teams and on it goes. Some of these folks quit on church, which is a real good answer. They just meet with some friends for an occasional token Bible study to feel good or justify their inability to go along and get along. They take sniper shots at the church. Yet, God has gifted the church to get out together and spread the Gospel.
Why go to church?
Christ is the head of the church. To be separated from the body of Christ, the church, then one is separated from the head, Christ. If Christ is no longer the head of the church one is serving in, then that is an issue. Leaving church all together is not the answer. People make up the body of Christ, therefore there is as much potential for evil as good. Jesus himself said that the gates of hell will not prevail against the church. A well-oiled (in the Holy Spirit), unified (in Christ) church has access to all the power that God offers. Christians should want to be on part of that team.
Yeah, I might not "do it" the way some churches "do it", but I will answer to God (as pastor)for how I lead and they will answer to God for how they lead. Quit looking for excuses to not be a part of the church. Christ is the head, and as a follower of Jesus, every believer should be partnering with the church.
Pray for the church. Ask God for a place to serve. Fight the temptation to cause schisms. Satan does enough to cause division, we don't need fellow Christians ripping up the big, fat, easy target known as the church. Church work can get messy as we cross into the world. It's a challenge. But next time, you think about saying something bad about the church; remember, the church is the bride of Christ. Pray. Repent of your evil thoughts and get back in church.
Let me pull a Columbo here (for those old enough to know him), one more thing. Be fair. Treat the church the way you treat Walmart or a restaurant after some bad know you end up going back Because they've got what you need. Hello, the church has what you need! Find the one you can serve in and with. God bless.