Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Bittersweet Greetings

While this was complementary to our local church, it was disheartening to the church as a whole. Recently we had some nice folks come to our church, and share how welcomed they were by our members. Of course, that was great news. That is the kind of news that warms a pastor's heart, and puts a little skip in his step. The incredible thing was the fact these folks, new to the area, were dutifully searching for a church to call home; and in this area of many churches it was difficult. They did not feel welcomed. I'm not the only pastor around here that knows and preaches to his congregation that the first five minutes is the most important for someone's first visit to church. This was disheartening, because when one church fails, we all take a hit. I'm not happy that other churches did poorly in the first five minutes or follow-up for that matter. Sure, I'm always glad to hear when we get it right, but I know we're not perfect either. I say this to complement, and to thank our people for just being who you are, friendly people. Know that that matters. Fortunately, my new friends were believers and they were going to find a church. But what if they were unbelievers and this was their first try? What if junk was happening in their life and they finally decided to check church out? The church is representing Jesus, right? We must always be welcoming so that we have opportunity to give witness of the hope that is in us through Jesus Christ. I'm thankful to our greeters...the team that welcomes....the people that walk people to a class room...the people that greet in the hall way...the people that introduce themselves...the people that welcome others to sit with them...the people just realizing that people need other people.