Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine Tribute from the KISA

I would love to say my wife and I are best friends, but we both know the truth. In fact, I'm kind of leery when married couples say that they are best friends. I know it happens, but I bet it happens far less than is told. My wife is not perfect, and neither am I; but guess what, we're working on each other. Haha. We have our whole married life to straighten the other one out. Of course, that is ludicrous. It took us twenty years to figure out that ain't happening. Some of you may have been quick learners. I don't know what the going time rate is in knowing you can't change things about your mate. ---We're still figuring each other and life out. It is a journey, and if you think otherwise you are in for a rude awakening unless it's always sunny where you live. I can tell you this. My wife loves Jesus and she tirelessly serves Him. My wife loves me. I know this, because she have been put through the tests. My wife loves our kids. (well documented fact) We have been through the gauntlet, the pains and sufferings of life; and frankly our marriage bumped the rocks a time or two, but fortunately our commitment to one another was also a commitment to another, the Rock, Christ Jesus. Sometimes marriage is love. Sometimes it is fun. Sometimes it is work. Sometimes it is yuck. Sometimes it just clings to the commitment you made to one another. ---But let me end with this. I love my wife, the girl I married about a week before I turned 23. We chose to take this journey together. It's certainly had its hiccups. She's all mine, and I'm all hers. We joke that nobody would take the other one. If you have a problem with her, you've got a problem with me. If you have something positive to say about her, I'm right there with you. But if you have something bad to say about her...Back off! I love you Teresa. Signed your Knight In Shining Armor. (KISA)