Friday, February 24, 2012

Youcef Nadarkani

You just can't keep killing Christians. Pray for Youcef Nadarkani, the Iranian pastor on death row for being a Christian, preaching the Gospel. Christians preach the Gospel for that is our command to "go and make disciples." I prayed for my brother this morning. I prayed for his life to be spared. Then I thought of Daniel and many brothers that have faced death row for standing firm. I know that many have died for the faith, and many are willing to do so. So, I prayed that my brother Youcef would be strong that the hand of the Lord would be with him through this whole process. I pictured Youcef smiling comfortably in the strength of the Lord. I signed a petition to get our government to get on the case for his release, but I must admit that my government can't do anything. Just as King Darius could not get Daniel from going to the lions' den; our government has no power over this. For Youcef to live is Christ, and to die is gain. The real Christian understands that. Either way, I pray that the Gospel will explode in Iran. I pray for the salvation of all the Arabian people. LORD God in heaven we pray for a Great Spiritual Awakening.