Friday, February 24, 2012

Luke 6

Twas directed to the first portion of Luke 6 this morning and it kind of hit me on a recent headline. The Southern Baptist Convention made news (not major media because it did not involve real controversy, of course) about considering a name change that is more relevant to today's culture and not so limited in reach. The SBC is certainly not limited in its outreach. It is internationally known for its mission work and nationally known for Disaster Relief and other good deeds. People get "up in arms" about Associations and Denominations, but the reality is all churches are associated in one way or another with other churches. And if not, they are supposed to be; they are certainly to not to be isolated. The SBC gets cracked on by the media and others, because of their early beginnings, but the good that the SBC has done over the last 100 years should have demolished any of that talk. Yet, people love to judge, and love to hate. I'm not here to defend the SBC, Willow Creek Association or any others for that matter. However, I do know that most of these are simply conventions and associations or affiliations that are meant to help churches collaborate on getting the Gospel out. If that is not their purpose, then they should not exist. I do know that the churches within these are independent. Not every church is alike. Hey, there are some great churches and there are some weird churches, unfortunately. Imperfect people belong to all. ---I guess I'm saying check your local church out before judging them. Most of them are up to good. They are more than willing to share their core values with you. They are more than willing to share with you their particular strategy to reach the world for Christ. Don't judge them by the association they are affiliated with necessarily. If they are "getting at it", teaching God's Word, growing and sending; then give them a try. ---What in the world does any of this have to do with Luke 6? Jesus had to explain to some religionists that he indeed was the Lord of the Sabbath. It is all about Jesus. Jesus is not a legalist. Don't get caught up in the laws and bylaws of man. Jesus healed a man on the Sabbath day. The Pharisees thought this to be a sin. Disciples making disciples for Jesus is more important than any name. Jesus is the name above all names. If an affiliation helps that get done in stronger fashion, amen. So what did all this have to do with Luke 6? Well, it's a stretch. Jesus told the man with the withered hand, "Stretch out your hand." And, he did and was completely healed. ---Just having some fun, loosen up!