Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Awareness Day

There seems to be a special day for almost any occasion. Let me suggest another: "Awareness Day." This isn't a day where we have to buy lunch or stuff for someone else. It's actually a day of reset. It is a day that we (as followers of Christ) check ourselves. We, who have been raised to life in Christ Jesus, are to set our minds on things above. (see Col.3) A true Christian should be growing in his/her affection for Christ. Periodically, we need to hit the pause button and check our affection for Christ. Do I love Him? Yes, of course, we say yes. But do we show that in how we live our lives? Here's a test (of like, not love but it works). If ice cream and spinach were put before a child to eat, how would we know which one they liked? ---no rocket science there---Would our love for Jesus be as easy to see?
Aight! So you are tracking with me now. On Awareness Day check to see if you are doing the things that stir your affection for Christ. Answer this question: When I am __________ I really feel closer to Jesus. Whatever ______ is, do that! It may be hanging out with a certain believer and talking with them about the LORD. It may be just reading the Scriptures slowly and meditating upon them in a quiet place. It may be listening to music. Here's the deal, on Awareness Day ask yourself what does it for me, and then make sure you are doing that which stirs up your love and affection for Jesus. The good thing about Awareness Day is you set it yourself as often as you like. So how are you and Jesus? What do you need to get back to?