Monday, July 5, 2010

Gather Around

It doesn't take much to gain a gathering. We US Americans will gather around the grill, the football field, the baseball diamond, the movie theater, the shopping mall, etc. We will get together. On occasion there is passion mixed up in our gatherings and together we accomplish much for a person or a cause. ---And then sometimes our gatherings are based on some kind of celebration like the 4th of July. We get immersed in the trimmings of the gathering and completely forget why we do this gathering. Some people were willing to die for what they believed to be true and righteous. Their perseverance has allotted us freedoms and peace that no other country truly experiences. A moment of silence... a time of quiet meditation...a time of prayer would be justified. But what does that do? Really? How about we live up to the standard of truth and righteousness that was worth dying for?---Likewise, my fellow believers how can we just say shallow prayers, and give lipservice to God on Sundays? How about we live for Him who died for us and was raised again?