Friday, August 12, 2011

"We're Trying to Do Something Around Here"

Excerpt from Neh.4 Devotion: "Determination"
Nehemiah was trying to rebuild the city of Jerusalem. The first step was the wall. It was hard work (major understatement!). The city walls had been reduced to rubble, and the city had been burned down by the enemy. They had detractors and lived among the enemy. However, the people came together for a common cause for the LORD their God. They couldn't leave the job site. They could hardly rest. They held a weapon in one hand and a tool in the other hand. The work was very spread out so they had trumpets to call for help. They worked sunrise to sunset. During this time they didn't even change clothes. IT was hot, stinky, hard work but it had to be done. ---It was a season in life. They had to suck it up. Determination triumphed over an extreme situation.
Our church and other churches (led by faithful pastors) are trying to do something around here. We're trying to lift up the name of Jesus by doing what we do. Have you even broken a sweat doing the work of your church? Can you do more to lighten the load on another? Or can you step your game up to fill a current need in the church? Try to say "yes to the what", and not say "no" so quickly when called upon to serve. We're trying to do something here. We're trying to rebuild the relationships of men with God. It's called the ministry of reconciliation (2Cor.5). That's why we do what we do! Live with determination.